Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by James F. Richardson

James, this is a full plate, but I do believe you have put together a balanced diet for failure. I'm sort of one of those betwixt people. Born in SF, grew up part-time in Italy, my first language was Italian. Growing up with two cultures and two languages kept a door open for different perspectives. My family, certainly traditional and I loved knowing my roots, my family tree way back...then after my parents, both born in Italy, who met here, after many years, began to change. Long, long story short, I feel they have succumbed to your long list of America's worse strengths. Basically, turned to me and said, sorry we can't help you. We need to live on our own. Of course, there are many variables here with envious siblings and gold digger sister-in-laws etc...

Before this nightmare happened - and I still don't really get it. I thought America is a young country compared to Europe. So, its traditions aren't quite as rooted etc...and people don't know better because they're stupid.

From a comedienne's POV your list of aggravated individualism is what irritates me to no end! Basically, I have been boggled by this dilemma for many years! I went to live in Italy for a year a year ago- I won't go back to Lucca because there are too many Americans there...it was starting to feel too much like home...but I m going back to Europe. I feel I have some hope there.

Thanks for being here James.

I will buy your book - if you buy mine?


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Jun 20Liked by James F. Richardson

It's everywhere and it's invisible. Yesterday I was in a SF cafe and a woman sitting while talking-to another woman standing up in front of her table...while her 5 year old boy not only was scraping himself along a dirty cafe floor but was very loudly playing by yelling loudly and throwing napkins, and playing under other people's tables while they sit there trying to wake up, having a cup of coffee, eating. There were a few other patrons giving her a look of surprise and disgust, and all she did was smile back! I thought...there it is! In another form - but there it is!! No one else matters! It's not everybody for the WHOLE!

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