The reason ritual is hated, is that most forms of them are "potlatches" (collective burned offerings), or in more general terms wastes of time and money for prestige (and by extension narcissism).
In modern times, there are a few equivalents: tax is the potlatch for bureaucracy, voting is the potlatch for democracy, speculation is the potlaches of capitalism, activism is the potlatch for progressivism. They all "look good" but not necessarily add collective value of solidarity. Metcalfe-level scaling is not a guarantee if there are a lot of free loaders.
The reason ritual is hated, is that most forms of them are "potlatches" (collective burned offerings), or in more general terms wastes of time and money for prestige (and by extension narcissism).
In modern times, there are a few equivalents: tax is the potlatch for bureaucracy, voting is the potlatch for democracy, speculation is the potlaches of capitalism, activism is the potlatch for progressivism. They all "look good" but not necessarily add collective value of solidarity. Metcalfe-level scaling is not a guarantee if there are a lot of free loaders.
the reason why rituals are dying, is not likely that people are becoming more narcissistic and find them distasteful (why would a narcissist destroy a soap box?)... but rather that narcissism destroys engagement of healthy rituals similar to how "organization bloat" end companies.
Bad drives out good, all rituals gradually becomes more narcissistic, and the altruists move to other avenues for collectivization. Meaningness addresses subcultures of esoteric ritual-cults, ACX addresses mainstream cultures and exoteric habit-communities. The two cancels each other out at the end.
P.S. This sounds familiar regarding "cults"