Why subscribe?
Homo Imaginari is a data-driven blog that takes an anthropological look at actual social changes going on around us. If you suspect that there are more important social issues than the Culture Wars, you’re in the right place.
In eras of rapid social change, social adaptation becomes harder for individuals living in weakened communities or social networks. Traditional knowledge, habits, and authorities can’t help, yet we need to help more than ever. To imagine new forms of community and social life requires a well-tuned social imagination, fed by data and deeper thinking than you’ll find on pundit-led media outlets.
Every Saturday and the occasional Wednesday.
Who Am I?
I am a Ph.D. cultural anthropologist who has studied American society for twenty years as a market research consultant. I’ve interviewed Americans in 40 different states and has lived all over the country, including New England, the Chicago-to-Madison corridor, Seattle, and Tucson, Arizona. For nearly three years in the late 1990s, I also lived in South India, studying a very different society than our own. Today, I live with my wife, children, and dogs in sunny Tucson, Arizona, where I write nonfiction and consult with a national client base in the consumer packaged goods industry.
Paid Option - Support My New Book
If you pay $5/month, you can help support production and publicity costs for my next book, excerpts of which have already appeared on Homo Imaginari.
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